Forwarder: delivery and customs clearance
TSP Group is a large operator and forwarder of a full cycle of international logistics services. The company was established in 2005, is a full member of national associations and operates on a turnkey basis and door to door.
Freight forwarding services
TSP Group - provides a full range of services for the delivery of goods on a "door-to-door" basis around the world, by any means of transport. We develop optimal transport and logistics solutions for our clients, flexibly varying transportation routes, prices and delivery times.
Customs clearance services
As an agent and broker, TSP provides a range of services to support customs clearance:
- organization of declaring goods and vehicles;
- accompanies the submission of documents and information;
- provides assistance required for customs clearance and customs control.
Warehouse services (warehouse logistics)
TSP group offers a full range of warehouse services in China, Europe, Russia:
- temporary storage warehouses;
- customs warehouses of sea and air ports;
- commercial, consignment warehouses.
Warehouses have modern infrastructure, convenient access roads, and the ability to handle goods transported by road, air, sea and rail.
Business logistics service (contracting)
TSP offers its clients a comprehensive business logistics service, which includes:
- search and selection of partners in the desired country and region
- interaction with the client's suppliers
- conclusion and support of contracts
- audit and delivery of cargo
- customs clearance
- certification
Clients of the TSP group purchase goods delivered and cleared through customs, having all the necessary certificates, and they themselves can concentrate on important areas of their activities - strategic planning, developing a competitive strategy, marketing.
Страхование грузов и ответственности
We definitely recommend our clients to resort to the insurance of the supplied goods. Extensive experience of cooperation with insurance companies, cargo owners can be sure of the safety of their goods throughout the delivery areas: transshipment; warehouse storage and processing. Both our company and the cargo owner can act as a cargo insurer..
For more information on services, cost and terms of cooperation, please call the phone number or via the online request form.