Customs formalities and operation

TSP Group provides its clients with a range of services for organizing customs clearance:
- accompanying the declaration of goods and vehicles;
- presentation of documents and additional information;
- calculation of payments in relation to declared goods and vehicles;
- support and control of customs clearance;
Many years of practical experience of our team allows us to carry out customs clearance of goods in the shortest possible time. There are employees who specialize in the design of product categories:
- electrical and computer equipment,
- food,
- industrial and technological equipment,
- raw materials,
- building materials,
Employees of the TSP group are experienced specialists in customs clearance, customs analysts, certification and legal support, so assistance will be fast and qualified:
- consulting assistance on the development, implementation and practical application of new technologies in customs clearance;
- preparation of foreign trade contracts and annexes to them, invoices, packings, transport documents, transaction passports and other necessary documents;
- preparation of placement of goods in customs warehouses and temporary storage warehouses;
- classification of goods in accordance with the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity, consulting assistance on the adoption of preliminary qualification decisions by the customs authorities;
- calculation of customs payments when placing goods and vehicles under the selected customs regime;
- determination of the customs regime, procedure and conditions for the import and export of goods and vehicles, their declaration (using a preliminary or incomplete declaration);
- assistance in obtaining, in the prescribed manner and in authorized state bodies or accredited organizations, certificates, licenses, permits and other documents necessary for the purposes of customs control and customs clearance (customs clearance) required to comply with the requirements of non-tariff regulation in the field of foreign trade;
- preparation of applications, appeals, letters, reports and other documents for submission to customs authorities;
- consulting support on customs legislation and the practice of its application, in representing the interests of our clients in proceedings on administrative offenses, when considering disputes in customs cases in arbitration courts and courts of general jurisdiction;
For more information on services, cost and terms of cooperation, please call the phone number or via the online request form.